‘Chip’ is getting rid of alcohol addiction, 5 minutes surgery, then get rid of addiction for 5 months!

‘Chip’ is getting rid of alcohol addiction, 5 minutes surgery, then get rid of addiction for 5 months!

Chip For Alcohol Addiction: There is a big problem in the world of people getting intoxicated in one way or the other. Some people even try drugs to get out of its addiction but fail, while some people find such things, which can help them to quit addiction. A chip has also been invented in China, which helps one to get rid of alcohol addiction.

According to the report of the South China Morning Post, a 36-year-old man has got a chip installed through a surgical process to overcome his alcohol addiction, so that he can get rid of addiction. This chip has been implanted inside the body of this person with Liu surname in a 5-minute operation and its validity will remain for 5 months.

first person chipped
Liu is the first person to get this chip implanted to fight alcoholism. This chip has been installed in Hunan Brain Hospital. Hao Wei, Vice President of the International Narcotics Control Board, was also involved in this process. According to him, there will be no craving for alcohol for 5 months after applying it. Once implanted, the chip will release naltrexone, which is used in de-addiction treatments.

People drink heavily in China
According to the report of The Lancet Medical Journal in the year 2018, China is at the top in the world in terms of deaths due to alcohol. Men in the age group of 45 to 59 years like to drink a lot. The person who has got chip implanted, he is also addicted to drinking alcohol since 5 years and is not able to give up his addiction even if he wants to. It is expected that he will benefit from this new technology and more such techniques will be developed in the rest of the world.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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